Print Textbook
The text delivered in print format.
Interactive Textbook, powered by Cambridge HOTmaths (1-year access)
The online version of the student text delivers a host of interactive features to enhance the teaching and learning experience, and when connected to a class teacher account offers a powerful Learning Management System. It is accessed online through Cambridge GO using a unique 16-character code found in the Print Textbook.
PDF Textbook available in the interactive textbook
The downloadable PDF version of the student text enables students to take notes and bookmark pages. It is downloaded through your account using the same unique 16-character code that is found in the Print Textbook.
Complete and authoritative coverage of the new NSW syllabus for Stages 4 and 5, now with powerful diagnostic tools to identify and address gaps in student knowledge.
What’s new to the series?
- New content, such as Networks in Stage 5, is delivered in the logical and sequential way you expect from CambridgeMATHS to encourage deep understanding.
- The resources have been prepared to help deliver the Core–Path structure of the new syllabus, with two Stage 5 books at each year level in Years 9 and 10: one pathway suited to students aiming to study Standard at Stage 6, and another pathway for students aiming to study Advanced and Extension.
- In the Core & Standard Paths books, some selected, carefully labelled Advanced Path topics have been included to ensure that students have the flexibility to move between Paths and prepare for the Stage 6 course they choose.
- Restructured exercises address the needs of a wider range of students as they progress through Stages 4 and 5.
- Building Understanding questions follow the key ideas for the Stage 4 and Stage 5 Core & Advanced/Extension Paths books to consolidate skills before students attempt the exercises.
- Now Try This questions for all worked examples provide immediate practice at the same type of question before starting the exercises.
- Fluency questions now provide more opportunities to embed core skills before attempting harder questions.
- Teachers can use targeted skillsheets to reinforce these skills. Targeted skillsheets focus on a single skill or set of related skills and are supported by worked examples.
- Students can track their own progress through Learning Intentions for every lesson and a Success Criteria checklist at the end of every chapter.
- Working Mathematically investigative tasks in each chapter provide opportunities for students to apply their learning and prepare them for Stage 6 investigative-style assignments.