The updated
Jacaranda History Alive AC series provides 100% coverage of the Australian Curriculum for History. Introducing a new eBook powered by
learnON, an immersive digital learning platform which makes learning more visible, personalised and social.
For teachers,
learnON includes additional resources such as quarantined questions and answers, curriculum grids and work programs and no separate Teacher eGuide purchase is required. Print editions include an activation code for learnON so schools can take advantage of the benefits of both formats.
Content highlights:
- Structured topics - Topics are organised around inquiry or 'big' questions, then structured into subtopics that present sections of content to suit classroom teaching practice.
- Historical sources - A focus on historical sources, with accompanying activities, target students' understanding and application of historical skills and concepts.
- Banks - Activity banks at the end of each subtopic allow students to apply knowledge, skills and concepts as required by the curriculum.
- SkillBuilder - Skillbuilders provide an in-depth learning sequence to help students master key historical skills.
- End-of-topic reviews - Review sections with accompanying activities, check students? understanding and application of historical skills and concepts.
- An immersive experience - Reading content with integrated media provides a dynamic and uninterrupted learning experience.