Oxford Study Buddy Revision and Exam Guides have been written by expert teachers and examiners to help students across Queensland revise and practise for their QCE External assessments and achieve their very best!
Join Study Buddy Doctor Edna Allan Crow and work through:
- A text guide for each of the 8 texts on the prescribed text list 2019–2021 (including a synopsis, summary of text structure, main characters, themes, symbols and motifs, key quotes, study tips and examiner tips for each text).
- 6 practice essay questions for each of the 8 texts on the exam (including official QCAA questions).
- Complete annotated sample responses for every essay question with advice and strategies for maximising marks.
- The official 2020 English exam paper with 2 additional annotated sample essays with marking advice for each text.
- A complete overview of how the exam is structured and marked.
- Writing scaffolds and a range of other digital resources (available online via obook pro) designed to help students structure and plan the analytical essay.
Chapter 1: Studying for Success
Chapter 2: Text Guides
Chapter 3: Practice Questions
Chapter 4: Official Past Paper
Chapter 5: Annotated Sample Responses